“How To Hand-Feed Wrens And Other Insect Eating Birds”
(approx. 30-minutes color DVD)
In this video you will learn how to quickly teach your insect eating birds to feed out of your bare hand. Backyard birds that aren’t attracted to a seed feeder such as House Wrens, Carolina Wrens, Blue Birds etc.…..can be attracted to a meal worm feeder and quickly taught to hand feed.
This video will show you step-by-step how I quickly taught a House Wren that was nesting in my yard to hand-feed.
Just a few of the things you will learn In this video:
- how to attract insect eating birds into your yard
- how to quickly and easily make a simple meal worm feeder out of a 2-liter plastic pop bottle
- where to get meal worms delivered right to your door
- an easy technique that will quickly teach the birds to feed out of your hand
Here’s the complete instructional video
I have a pair of House Wrens that have nested in my backyard for the last few years. So this year I decided to see If I could get them to feed out of my hand.
Since they are insect eating birds and don’t visit my seed feeder, I got some meal worms and made a simple feeder out of a plastic bottle.
Then I devised a quick, easy technique that had the Wren feeding out of my hand …… and it only took about 2-hours time !
As in all the “A Bird In The Hand” videos….. once your birds are trained to feed out of your hand…..anyone can take your place and immediately enjoy all the thrills and excitement of hand-feeding your birds also.