Hummingbird Feeder Bees-How To Keep Bees Out Of Hummingbird Feeders
Lots of stinging insects are attracted to hummingbird feeders. Yellow Jackets, Paper Wasps, Honey Bees and White-Faced Hornets to name a few, can take over a hummingbird feeder and prevent the hummingbirds from feeding at all.
You may want to let the hummingbird feeder bees have the feeder and put up more feeders where the hummingbirds can feed. I have read that a lot of these insects are carnivorous (meat eaters) and can be lure away from the hummingbird feeder by placing a small lump of hamburger, saturated with apple juice, on a plate away from the feeder.
Another way to help with the hummingbird feeder bees and insect problem is to get rid of some of the insects using wasp traps that are available in stores. They get into the trap and then can’t find their way back out. Follow this link to find a large selection of wasp traps at . This is a quick way to get rid of lots of insects.
Another way to help keep hummingbird feeder bees and other stinging insects away from your sugar-water hummingbird feeders is to mount bee guards on the feeder ports. Bee guards can be purchased which fit on the feeder flowers to deter bees and wasps. Bee Guards are small, round, plastic grates that fit over the feeding tube, restricting the insects’ access but allowing the hummers to feed through the grates with their long bills and tongues.
Here is another trick I read about to deter wasps and hummingbird feeder bees. Try applying Vicks Vapor Rub around the feeding flowers to repel bees. Birds don’t have a sense of smell, wasps and hummingbird feeder bees do.

Ant guards or ant moats are available that you can hang your feeder from which have a water barrier.
Probably the best way though to solve your hummingbird feeder bees and wasp feeder problem and to also eliminate any ant feeder problems you might have, is to use a feeder that is specially designed to keep hummingbird feeder bees, wasps and ants out of the hummingbird nectar.
Here is the best solution to How To Keep Ants Out Of Hummingbird Feeders, and how to solve your hummingbird feeder bees and wasp problem at the same time … buy the ant moat feeder below and your insect problems will be over.
Aspects 367 Hummzinger Ultra Hummingbird Feeder, 12-Ounce
With Nectar Guard
It’s inexpensive and has an ant moat to keep out ants and several other great features that makes it well worth the price.
The Hummzinger has patented Nectar guard tips which are flexible membranes attached to the feed ports that prohibit entry from flying insects, but allow Hummingbirds to feed as usual. Nectar Guard tips easily slide onto the feeding ports on the underside of the feeder cover. The flexible membrane in the center of each tip easily opens when hummingbirds insert their beaks to feed and close up tight when beaks are removed. Nectar Guard tips create a barrier flying insects can’t penetrate.
The Humzinger hummingbird feeder also has a built in ant moat that will stop crawling insects from getting to the nectar. It also has raised flower ports that divert rain. If rain water gets into your feeder, it will dilute the sugar concentration and the weak nectar will not be as attractive to the hummingbirds.
This mid-size hummingbird nectar feeder has a 12 oz. capacity and can be hung or post mounted with hardware provided. It has four feeding ports for hummingbirds and is made of unbreakable polycarbonate.
Order the Hummzinger Ultra today and solve all of your hummingbird feeder bees and other insect problems at the same time. Buy Now
Cleaning hummingbird feeder: this feeder is also very easy to clean. It will come apart in the middle allowing you full access to the inside and no hidden surfaces that will be hard to clean. This would be my first choice in feeders. For ease of cleaning and protection from hummingbird feeder bees, wasps and ants, this feeder can’t be beat.
For more information on cleaning your feeder and information on when to change the nectar in your feeder, click the cleaning hummingbird feeder link above. The sugar in hummingbird nectar will ferment in time and mold will grow in the nectar and grow on your feeder. The article will tell you how to prevent this and what to do if it should happen to you.
The simple, easy recipe for hummingbird food can be found by clicking this link…hummingbird food recipe.
I hope you enjoyed this “Hummingbird Feeder Bees” article. Click the link for more information on how to deal with hummingbird feeder bees.