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  • Flowers For Hummingbirds

    Below is an article on flowers that attract hummingbirds that I thought you would enjoy.

    5 Common Flowers For Hummingbirds, Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds
    By Ella McGinley

    Apart from being able to look at beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees, the other wonderful thing about having a garden is the birds, butterflies and bees which come to feed on the nectar and pollen from your flowers.

    One bird variety that is attracted to domestic gardens is the gorgeous hummingbird with it’s lovely green plumage and, depending on gender and variety, shocking pink throat, however, you will need to plant flowers that attract Hummingbirds. There are lots of hummingbird flowers to choose from, mainly flowers that are tubular in shape and red in color.

    The hummingbird is a tiny creature, the smallest of all birds, weighing between 2 and 20 grams (less and one ounce) and they are found all over North, Central and South America, from mountains to deserts through grasslands to cities, from snow to hot sunshine. There are more than three hundred varieties of hummingbird and they live quite happily as long as they have a mate and plenty to eat and drink. They have a prodigious appetite, considering their size, eating around sixty percent of their own weight per day.

    Hummingbirds are tolerant of people and curious too, so once they know they can trust you, they will come right up and drink from a hand held container. There are also videos on this site that will teach you how to have the hummingbirds feeding out of your bare hand in only a very short time.

    If you want to create a Hummingbird habitat with flowers for hummingbirds, you will not only need flowers that attract hummingbirds, but a hummingbird feeder, a supply of the right type of bugs that hummingbirds feed on, a sheltered spot for nesting and plenty of space for the hummingbirds to fly around. Hummingbirds are very agile and can fly in every direction and attitude including upside down but their feet are not built for walking, they have weak legs and feet that are mainly used for perching..

    Hummingbirds have excellent eyesight and can distinguish colors. It has been discovered that flowers that attract Hummingbirds are often a shade of red, apparently because competing insects don’t like red or possibly because red blooms are easily distinguished from green foliage when the birds are flying overhead. That is the reason that hummingbird feeders are red in color, because they’re easy to spot by the hummingbird.

    Here are 5 common flowers for hummingbirds:

    Buddleia (Butterfly Bush): This shrub is easy to grow and can get quite big if not controlled. Flower spikes are commonly purple but can be pink or blue.

    Lantana: This drought tolerant plant comes in many different shades of red, orange, yellow, pink and white, usually two colours together. It will become leggy if not pruned annually but take care of the foliage which can cause a rash and the seeds which are poisonous to humans and animals.

    Callistemon (Bottle Brush): Needs a sunny position and regular watering but is easy to care for. This plant can be grown as a standard and the bright red bottle brush shaped blooms are attractive.

    Mondarda Didyma (Bee Balm): This plant is a member of the mint family with red or mauve flowers and is hardy, liking slightly acidic soil.

    Delphinium: This is a hardy perennial plant which should be planted at the back of a bed as it grows quite tall.

    There are many more flowers that attract Hummingbirds but these are the most common and easy to care for. You can find feeders and houses at GardenSupplyStore.net.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ella_McGinley

    I hope you enjoyed this article on flowers for hummingbirds. Of the five different hummingbird flowers that were mentioned, I would have to say that Bee Balm is my personal favorite. They spread quickly so if you plant just a few plants to start with, in a few years you will have a large patch of Bee Balm to enjoy.

    Click on this link <align=”center”>flowers for hummingbirds, for more articles on flowers that attract hummingbirds.

  • Hummingbird Feeder

    Here’s The Easy Solution To-How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeder

    Ants, bees and other insects always seem to end up at your hummingbird feeder. Bees, just like your hummingbirds, enjoy that same sweet hummingbird food that’s inside your feeder. Once your feeder is up, it doesn’t take long for the bees and other insects to find it.

    Besides attracting bees, a lot of hummingbird feeders will leak the nectar onto the ground where the ants can easily find it also. Once the ants find it they get into the feeder and drown where their bodies decompose and ruin your nectar. Bee and ant problems seem to go hand in hand when it comes to feeding hummingbirds.

    The good news for us hummingbird lovers is that there is an easy solution to  “how to keep bees away from hummingbird feeder” …. that will also keep the ants out of your hummingbird nectar.

    Here is the best solution to how to keep bees away from hummingbird feeder,  and how to keep ants away from hummingbird feeder … buy the Hummzinger hummingbird feeder below and your insect problems will be over.

    Aspects 367 Hummzinger Ultra Hummingbird Feeder, 12-Ounce With Nectar Guard

    It’s inexpensive and has an ant moat to keep out ants and several other great features that makes it well worth the price.

    To keep bees and wasps away from your feeder, The Hummzinger Ultra Feeder has patented nectar guard tips which are flexible membranes attached to the feed ports that prohibit entry from flying insects, but allow Hummingbirds to feed as usual. Once the bees find that they can’t reach the nectar, they will lose interest  and leave it alone.

    The Hummzinger hummingbird feeder also has a built in ant moat that will stop crawling insects from getting to the nectar. It also has raised flower ports that divert rain. If rain water gets into your feeder, it will dilute the sugar concentration and the weak nectar will not be as attractive to the hummingbirds.

     This mid-size hummingbird nectar feeder has a 12 oz. capacity and can be hung or post mounted with hardware provided. It has four feeding ports for hummingbirds and is made of unbreakable polycarbonate.

    If you want more ideas on how to keep pests away from your feeder, without buying a new feeder, click on this link

     Cleaning hummingbird feeder

    This feeder is also very easy to clean. It will come apart in the middle allowing you full access to the inside and no hidden surfaces that will be hard to clean. This would be my first choice in feeders. For ease of cleaning and protection from bees, wasps and ants, this feeder can’t be beat.

    For more information on cleaning your feeder and information on when to change the nectar in your feeder, click the cleaning hummingbird feeder link above. The sugar in hummingbird nectar will ferment in time and mold will grow in the nectar and grow on your feeder.  The article will tell you how to prevent moldy hummingbird nectar and what to do if your hummingbird feeder should become contaminated with mold.  Order the Hummzinger Ultra today and you will be well on your way to solving  all of your hummingbird feeder problems.Buy Now

    If you want to have even more enjoyment from your hummingbirds, you should try making your own hummingbird food. It’s quick, easy and will save you money. All you need is tap water and white table sugar.

    A quick and easy recipe for hummingbird food can be found by clicking this link. hummingbird food recipe.


    Click this link for more information on How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeder.

  • How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeder

    Here’s The Easy Solution To-How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeder

    Ants, bees and other insects always seem to end up at your hummingbird feeder. Bees, just like your hummingbirds, enjoy that same sweet hummingbird food that’s inside your feeder. Once your feeder is up, it doesn’t take long for the bees and other insects to find it.

    Besides attracting bees, a lot of hummingbird feeders will leak the nectar onto the ground where the ants can easily find it also. Once the ants find it they get into the feeder and drown where their bodies decompose and ruin your nectar. Bee and ant problems seem to go hand in hand when it comes to feeding hummingbirds.

    The good news for us hummingbird lovers is that there is an easy solution to  “how to keep bees away from hummingbird feeder” …. that will also keep the ants out of your hummingbird nectar.

    Here is the best solution to how to keep bees away from hummingbird feeder,  and how to keep ants away from hummingbird feeder … buy the Hummzinger hummingbird feeder below and your insect problems will be over.

    Aspects 367 Hummzinger Ultra Hummingbird Feeder, 12-Ounce With Nectar Guard

    It’s only $19.14 and has an ant moat to keep out ants and several other great features that makes it well worth the price.

    To keep bees and wasps away from your feeder, The Hummzinger Ultra Feeder has patented nectar guard tips which are flexible membranes attached to the feed ports that prohibit entry from flying insects, but allow Hummingbirds to feed as usual. Once the bees find that they can’t reach the nectar, they will lose interest  and leave it alone.

    The Hummzinger hummingbird feeder also has a built in ant moat that will stop crawling insects from getting to the nectar. It also has raised flower ports that divert rain. If rain water gets into your feeder, it will dilute the sugar concentration and the weak nectar will not be as attractive to the hummingbirds.

     This mid-size hummingbird nectar feeder has a 12 oz. capacity and can be hung or post mounted with hardware provided. It has four feeding ports for hummingbirds and is made of unbreakable polycarbonate.

    If you want more ideas on how to keep pests away from your feeder, without buying a new feeder, click on this link

     Cleaning hummingbird feeder

    This feeder is also very easy to clean. It will come apart in the middle allowing you full access to the inside and no hidden surfaces that will be hard to clean. This would be my first choice in feeders. For ease of cleaning and protection from bees, wasps and ants, this feeder can’t be beat.

    For more information on cleaning your feeder and information on when to change the nectar in your feeder, click the cleaning hummingbird feeder link above. The sugar in hummingbird nectar will ferment in time and mold will grow in the nectar and grow on your feeder.  The article will tell you how to prevent moldy hummingbird nectar and what to do if your hummingbird feeder should become contaminated with mold.  Order the Hummzinger Ultra today and you will be well on your way to solving  all of your hummingbird feeder problems.Buy Now

    If you want to have even more enjoyment from your hummingbirds, you should try making your own hummingbird food. It’s quick, easy and will save you money. All you need is tap water and white table sugar.

    A quick and easy recipe for hummingbird food can be found by clicking this link. hummingbird food recipe.

    Click this link for more information on How To Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeder.

  • Ant Moats For Hummingbird Feeders

    Using Ant Moats For Hummingbird Feeders Will Resolve Your Feeder Ant Problem

    An ant moat is a simple device that holds water and will keep ants out of your hummingbird feeder. Since ants can’t swim, the water in the ant moat provides a barrier that keeps the ants from reaching your feeder and getting into your hummingbird nectar. If the ants get into your nectar they will drown and their bodies will decompose and ruin the nectar.

    The ant moats usually consist of a plastic-type cup about 3 inches in diameter that fits tightly around the hanger wire above the feeder. Once the ant moat is filled up with water the ants are unable to get to the nectar as they can’t swim. A lot of ant moats are colored red to also help attract hummingbirds while they are protecting your feeder from the ants.

    There are also hummingbird feeders that come equipped with an ant moat built right into the feeder.

    Below are several popular ant moats for hummingbird feeders


    How To Keep Ants Away From Hummingbird Feeder

    The best way to keep ants away from your hummingbird feeder is to try to make sure the ants don’t locate your feeder right from the start. The best way to help keep your feeder location a secret is to use a dripless hummingbird feeder. A lot of feeders will start dripping when the air heats up outside and the nectar expands and runs out of the feeder. This will happen a lot of the time when bottle type feeders are used.

    A good alternative to bottle feeders is basin feeders. Basin or saucer type feeders are made so that they are more unlikely to drip. Below this article you will find a drip-less type basin feeder. This hummingbird feeder also has an ant moat built right into the feeder, that will be virtually ant proof.

    Below is an inexpensive ant moat that will keep the ants away from the hummingbird feeders that you already have.

    Trap-It Ant Moats for Hummingbird Feeders

    Buy Now 

    Product Description

    This ant moat is the first and still the best way to protect your Hummingbird and Oriole feeder from ants and other crawling insects. All you have to do to correct your ant problem is to insert the ant moat between hanger and feeder and fill it with water. It will  provide a barrier to ants and other crawling pests that can’t swim. The ant moat comes in a red color that is also helpful in attracting hummingbirds to your hummingbird feeder.

    Another very good option is to buy a hummingbird feeder that already has an ant moat built right into the feeder. If you would like a feeder with an ant moat built into the feeder, check out the feeder below. This great hummingbird feeder is also loaded with many other great features that make it the best hummingbird feeder you can own.

    Here is the best way to keep ants, other crawling insects, bees and wasps, from your hummingbird feeder….. buy the dripless basin type hummingbird feeder below:

    Aspects 12oz Humzinger Ultra With Nectar Guard  

    It has several features that makes it one of the best hummingbird feeders you can buy.

    The Humzinger has patented Nectar guard tips which are flexible membranes attached to the feed ports that prohibit entry from flying insects, but allow Hummingbirds to feed as usual. The Humzinger also has a built in ant moat that will stop crawling insects from getting to the nectar. It also has raised flower ports that divert rain.

    This mid-size nectar feeder has a 12 oz. capacity and can be hung or post mounted with hardware provided. It has four feeding ports for hummingbirds and is made of unbreakable polycarbonate.

    Cleaning hummingbird feeder: It will come apart in the middle giving you full access to the inside and no hidden surfaces that will be hard to clean.

    This would be my first choice in feeders. For ease of cleaning and protection from bees, wasps and ants, this feeder can’t be beat.

    Just order the Humzinger Ultra hummingbird feeder today and you will be able to solve all of your insect feeder problems at the same time.

    Click on this link and see all of Amazon.com’s ant moats for hummingbird feeders